The Adventures of the Parsley Family and the Dancing Snails – Virtual Book Tour

Today I’m hosting Day 1 of a 5-day virtual tour for Michael Read’s new book, The Adventures of the Parsley Family and the Dancing Snails.

adventures of the parsley family and the dancing snails

This tour is sponsored by the National Writing for Children Center.

Meet Author Michael Read

Hi, I am Michael Read, a retired person and now a children’s author who lives in Cambridge in England.

I started writing in 2014 for my three granddaughters.

Family and friends enjoyed the stories and my wife actually laughed at the humor, which is a very rare happening, so I thought they may be good enough to publish.

I searched the internet for a publisher for my first book and found Novum Publishing; an Austrian firm.

They give opportunities to new authors but you pay a percentage towards costs.

The book was published in late 2015.

My granddaughters and their parents feature in the book and Trixie, (the first Snail Guardian), teaches snails in her garden to dance.

These Essex Snails know nothing and so they befriend others groups of snails, the Norfolk’s and the American Beach Snails and start to learn about the ‘uman world in which they live.

Their lives are regularly enhanced when groups of snails from far and wide come to visit them bringing their dances, their food (picnics), their language and some history.

Welcome to the wonderful world of The Adventures of the Parsley Family and the Dancing Snails.


With hindsight, the cover is a little ‘young’ as the stories deem an audience of children 7 years+ and adults.

I have since written Book 2 – Further Adventures of the Parsley Family and the Essex Dancing Snails’ (not yet published), and am now writing Book 3 where I have branched off slightly as the stories are not always about the Essex.

For a lot more information visit where there is an Amazon app to order the book.

Follow Day 2 of this tour tomorrow at


The Adventures of the Parsley Family and the Dancing Snails – Virtual Book Tour — 1 Comment

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